Wednesday, 2 December 2009

12 nov working with actors

In class today we had to work with actors, they read our scripts and me and Josh discussed whish actors would be best, Josh like his actor, Tneil and I was happy going round the room and taking numbers of anyone!
we seem to have 4 hopefuls for the main parts (two girls and two boys), Its just worrying me, it seems we have to base are filming schedule's around around them, and I don't know if thats right, the group seem to be happy, they are fine with the actors and know what they should be doing, it gets a bit worrying somethimes when i think I'm being harsh or a bit strict then then I think well, I don't want to order them around but at the same time if I'm too relaxed they'll just think "whatever" - and possibly slack off. Only cetain people seems to be drifting at the moment so hopefully when it gets closer to filming they will "buck-up" a little!
I'm really aware that there's alot of confusion ever scenes and people generally don't get what scenes are in which part of the plot, So I thought of an excercise to help and perhaps they will think of it as them having more creative input, they get to do 3 scenes each for our storyboard, they choose the camera shots, and the angle's and then this gives us all chance to talk about it and choose whats best, Were meeting tomorrow for that so will see what people come up with.

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