Wednesday, 2 December 2009

16 nov

I have been working hard on the script, alot of it is my personality, alot of sarcasm and funny one-liners, just watch those get edited out when I share them with the group!
I actually really enjoy it though, I mean when I first came up with the idea of our piece I was already mulling over how it would be visually hense the pictures below of Teachers and there are more to come, I knew how I wanted the piece to sound too, I wanted to create alot of laughs, and constantly have the banter between pupils and and the Teacher.
There seems to be a mixed vibe in the group at the moment also, I have mentioned before all the decisions I make are for the good of the group, I'm NOT just seeking out individuals out of the group and DELIBRATELY disagreeing with them, I am having issues with Josh at the moment, I encourage his input at all times as he is the main character and I think he has alot of ideas that I take on board and develop and he has a tendancy to do this with my idea's also, it just appears that if at a time I don't like an idea he will take it personally and then almost sulk about it, for example:
There is a scene when the "hot mum" comes into school for parents evening, he put forward the idea of, in the storyline, getting up from his desk, and kissing her. I thought this was a great idea! And then ... Josh being Josh he proposed that she crawled across the desk and they get "hot and heavy" and I just said that wasn't a good idea - he argued that he'd be in character and that it was just a role. But I need to think about the poor girl having to be filmed doing this, and it really shouldn't go that far anyway, he is ment to day dream about kissing her, it says at that part in the script, he notices her lips and goes in for a kiss (not word for word) but thas the jist of it.
I don't think he likes to be told no to be honest, and when your trying to work with a group, we all get on well it just makes it difficult at times to focus on the points to riase in the meeting and at the same time defend your decisions!!

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