The Pub Scene
This part in particular was my idea to entre a pub scene into the situation as manymiddle class job sitcoms, as like Teachers that we have be using in particular for this piece always seem to end up in the pub/bar at the end of there hard working day.
Another reason why i thought it would be a good idea was for a tansision from the scene previous to this which i think will blend the piece together well.
- ending shot from the classroom after parents eveningis a long shot of jack sitting at his desk
- Slow zooming into jacks face
- getting to extreme close up then a slight fade
- still on jacks face slowly zoomin back into focus
- new set, he is in the pub with a collegue looking lost
One of the reasons to wh this shot should be in this piece was because it would be a great place to show 'Jack' making a change in his life
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