Sunday, 29 November 2009

Friday 13th November 2009 - Discussing the Script

We held a meeting today to begin planning the script and work out a day to begin filming. I had a dilemma with my car (Friday the 13th!) so was about an hour late and Josh didn’t come as he’s off to Manchester for a gig.

By the time I got there the rest of the group had pretty much gone through everything that needed discussing and they updated me when I got there. I think we were all just confused on the order of events our film – we all had loads of ideas but until today they were all jumbled up.

Now we have the points of our story sorted, Nicola has given us all three scenes each to storyboard in order for her to write the script. We had a MASSIVE debate about what should come first; the script or the storyboards. I felt that without the script I couldn’t storyboard every little bit of the scene. For example, I won’t know whether somebody’s talking, what they are saying, and what manner they are saying it in, so how will I know when to include shots such as shot reverse shots for conversations, or perhaps close ups if the character is speaking angrily? On the other hand Nicola is used to working the other way round and, as she is writing the script and feels this would help, we’re going to give it a go.

I think that, rather than attempting to do an exact storyboard without the script to fit in to it, I will do a few pages of shot ideas that tell the story of the scenes which I have been given. I’m not sure how to get them on to the blog though so will add them to the group folder!

We have arranged a meeting for Monday afternoon to go through the storyboards and sort a filming schedule. We have a tutorial with Annie on Friday where we must have some footage to show.

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