Tuesday 15 December 2009

8th dec 2nd proper day of filming

we have managed to find a room that is more approprite for what the classroom scenes, we found it to be a little do big But Sam suggested we use the camera cleverly to diguise this fact. He said we could take shots from certain angles so that we could only see where the pupils were sat and disregard the rest of the room, - having watched the footage the following day I agree that it worked well and that we had captured the scenes to the best of our abilities.
I t was a lot of fun but I had to keep ouching the group on from different scenes because different extras had to go at different times.
But apart from that we were on schedule, Josh ahd to adlib his lines a few times and we had to change words in the script so it would be more suiting in situations, but I think it went well, we are having to film the final scenes on friday. - the "daydream" -parents evening and the ending... its just the editing I'm worried about, we havent got much else to show Annie if we dont sort out the footage.
p.s we used lights today to illuminte Nicole as she came throught the door it looked brilliant, she waved her hair about and look directly into the camera, the lights look amazing, big thanks to Sam for thinking on the day and we also managed to "borrow" a fan so we got get a proper effect! it looked great!

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